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Monday, March 26, 2012

Weight loss

I have been stuck at 362 for a while now and I am done, I really want to get going again... So I have modified my work out plan and made a chart I can check it off on and might even look into an accountability partner. Diet changes are coming soon but most importantly I am praying for assistance from God, I really hope I have your support it makes it so much easier!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Today I want to share the definition I have learned for love, I didn't come up with but I really like it; Love is wanting the very best for someone regardless of cost or outcome. This does not mean giving them whatever they want or caving to all their demands, but to do what is best for them in regards to eternity. What is best for one person may not be best for another and so love looks different between each person. It is not easy something that has to be worked at, and in my opinion can't truly happen without prayer and assistance from God. I don't believe to love someone you have to like them because I don't think true love is an emotional feeling, but it definitely makes it easier to love them. God calls us to love everybody not just the people around us... Something to think about especially for the kids my age.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sorry again

Missed some posts got busy, last night was amazing! I got to attend winter jam with Mt. Olivet church youth group. The music was tailored specifically to what I needed to hear to get back on track with life, it was a great night of worship. I very much recommend the winter jam tour to anyone it is really inexpensive and so worth it!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Sorry I missed a couple posts, time to fill everyone in. Last couple days have been busy I was at my parents small group leaders house most of Sunday. Yesterday one of my relatives passed away please keep her family in prayer during this hard time. That's all for now I hope God will bless your day!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Ever since the tornado in the tri-state,  I have seen countless churches and communities come together and rebuild. It is amazing to see all the love these groups have for one another. At first someone might be tempted to think down on the storm, at first I did, but then I realized like everything else in life God is in control. He gives and takes away God was going to take the lives he took regardless of the storm because it is his plan and it was their time. All the damage to these homes is insane to comprehend, but I don't know any families who haven't found someone to help them rebuild or let them stay at their place. Dozens of churches have become red cross centers and their have been countless donations to these people. God is good not only in the storm but especially in the storm! Hope God blesses your day!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Goal accomplished

I know it doesnt really mean much but I just wanted you guys to know today I reached over 500 views for the blog. At first it may seem a shallow goal to shoot for views, but by having views on the blog means there are people out there who actually read it and maybe I am making a difference. So thank you viewers, a special thanks to my viewers in Russia, Germany, & Argentina... Not sure how that happened :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Daily reading

I am sure you have heard of it's importance before, but I am going to reiterate the importance of reading scripture every day. I like to read a little every morning over night because I find it is better to start the day in scripture so you have that mind set through the day. For those of you who have never taken up daily reading I suggest starting in Romans. If you need someone to hold you accountable or someone to guide you through reading contact me on facebook!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Most of you know I have lost a lot of weight, but recently I just kinda stopped  I have been stuck shifting between 362-365. Now this is still good because it is 20 pounds lighter than I used to be, but I would like to keep going. My plan currently is to reduce the amount of strength training I do and increase the cardio exercises. I guess I will let you guys know if things change! :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I love it when you guys comment on my posts the feed back really helps me see whos reading my blog and what type of things to talk about. Most of you use some kind of google account or name when you comment so I know who you are, but for those who comment without one could you leave your name so I know who you are? Thanks. oh and this blog is very close to 500 views! (somehow I ended up with some viewers in Russia and Germany, which is awesome!)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hunger Games

If you are in my book club, you can stop reading here. The Hunger Games were on a list of books (including Twilight) that I told myself I would never read. This prejudice statement was based solely on the fact that all the people I knew who liked Hunger Games also liked Twilight which I can't stand the thought of. Well for book club it was on our book list, thus I had to read it. The first week were supposed to read the first seventy pages or so... It was so bad I could only force 30, the next week was 100 pages at which point I instead read 340 pages. I finished the book in one day, thoroughly enjoying it. My favorite character was Peeta by far his life was very relatable to me. Least favorite character Katniss read the book and you can probably figure it out. I recommend this book to anyone who is not super easily offended.

Monday, March 5, 2012


My stomach has been killing me all day, my current belief is that my stomach is writing a strongly worded letter about my recent intakes of fast food and organic all natural detoxification tea, it is my belief that it would like me to choose haha. I guess my plan is to try and eat less ridiculously unhealthy things like what ever McDonald's is calling "chicken". I am not happy that I have been coasting around 365-362 pounds for 2 weeks now so my plan is to work a little harder to start losing weight again instead of sitting around at minus 20 some pounds! Hope I can count on you guys for your continued support, as well as God's blessings.
Well no one had any requests so far so today I bring you another post about whatever comes to mind. I am at 364 lbs not bad a two pound gain the result of eating out 4 times the last 3 days. Still praying for all those families who were impacted by the storm. Church last night was awesome as always, love to worship and the message was very impacting; still a bit surprised at the amount of youth leaders at 4th service. Well I guess that's all for today time to go out and try my best to use my gifts and talents as dispensers of grace!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Normally I just post what ever comes to mind once or twice a day, but this time I am asking if there is anything you would like to see a post about? I love to share my beliefs but I have lots of them and it is nice to know which direction to go sometimes! you can comment here, message me on facebook, or email me at Ib1crazyman@gmail.com!


I love music, I love worship songs and singing in big groups at church (and camp :)  ). I also love christian music but I don't feel anything against a song because it is secular or not sung by a Christian band. I have to admit I am a really big fan of listening to Metallica, but what I believe when it comes to listening to music is how does it influence your thoughts and your heart; your words and your actions. If you are someone who is easily swayed in their beliefs then perhaps it is best to just listen to Christian music only, but for me I listen to a song for inspiration in my comics and my writings. I usually pay attention to the instrumentals more so than the lyrics in a song so thus I don't pull negative things away from listening to them. Music is something as Christians we should redeem not reject.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Sorry I didn't post this morning, The internet at our house was disabled from the storm. The storm ravaged much of the tri-state including my own little slice of it Grant County. I would like to ask you all to pray for those who lost loved ones, those who lost their homes, and those who lost their lives. Lots of families were left without power and many left without anything at all so please find out what you can do to help and let's support this community and take this opportunity to show the love of Christ to our neighbors. God bless you all!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I want to thank everyone who has supported me in changing my life style, it hasn't been easy but all the feed back from you guys has been awesome. January 9th I weighed 385 lbs. today I weighed 362 lbs. A lot of work has gone into it and the motivation is the keystone holding it together. When I started out i was just walking and I did that for while and built up to 2-3 miles of walking a day. While I still walk I don't as much because I have begun doing a lot of strength training. I have a routine I do 4-6 times a day throughout the day when I have the time and energy. I do 50 crunches on the floor, 50 on an exercise ball, 25 bench push ups, and various resistance training. and that is what I am doing right now that routine at least 4 times a day but I try to fit in as many as I can. In the morning I have also been drinking an all natural energy vitamin packed drink called Zija you will have to talk to my mom for more info on that though. But most importantly I pray everyday for the strength of mind and body, for the training and tools I need to fulfill Gods will in my life and things just keep getting better.


I got side tracked recently with things that aren't as important so starting today I am refocusing my thoughts back on God. Today I am getting back to the basics of just trying to be the best I can and following in the steps of Jesus. I read Romans 13 today and it is a useful chapter, but to me it was one that is easy to grasp so I didn't feel I learned anything new rereading it so I think I will read some more later. This morning I weighed 362 so smiley faces! Yesterday was a really good day very freeing, had a great time at church really needed that specific sermon and had an amazing time discussing it in community group afterwards.