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Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Future

I had a really interesting conversation with one of my best friends last night and it is the inspiration for today's post. To start off a small note the future Mrs. Ty-Fyter, you must meet the following requirements 1. Be of the female gender of the human race. 2. You must love Jesus with all of your heart and being trying your hardest to follow his example. 3. Have to be willing to spend the rest of this life with me. Next I have prepared a small list of suggestions that would make it all better if you met these too. 1. Be ultra nerdy so we can spend lots of time together watching Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. 2. Want quite a few kids and enjoy the idea of adopting. 3.Like food. 4. Being willing to tell me no when I try to train all of the little kids to be spartan soldiers and compete for world domination with the Duggars. Well that's nice and summed up but apparently in the future I am going to end up a slightly grumpy extremely over protective dad... Who is going to raise an awesome generation of kids who have at least a 98% chance of being awesome. Homeschooling definitely. Training of my boys so they act like mature men by age 12 done. Raising a delightful group of ladies who don't want to date because boys are icky done. I am so ready for this haha my time in this little world will be awesome!

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