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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Good & Evil

Far to often people become caught up in what is good and what is bad, they will believe in things like karma, luck, and fate. Only one thing is good that is the trinity, we have all sinned and it is not our place to decide who is better than one another, to pass judgement. Sin is sin it does not have a value system, certain sins are not more sinful than others we always here about how awful certain crimes are and how we focus on certain sins as  horrid and then see others and pass them off as a phase or no big deal. Sin is bad all of it and guess what we have all sinned we have all earned eternal punishment no ifs, ands, or buts. Once you realize this and accept this fact that on our own we are irredeemable; you can grasp what Christ did on that cross. many people were crucified that does not make him unique; whats really important that day is that God took all the punishment for the sins we have and ever will commit and poured them down on Jesus on that cross. The wrath of God our punishment was completely laid out on him; so that we can, if we accept Christ, come before God at our time and present to him not our own sin stained slate, but the white, pure, and righteous! slate of Jesus Christ. Don't waste your time worrying about being what qualifies as a "good" person by societies standards, and do not judge those who pass for "bad" in society. Keep your focus on following Christ he will lead the way share his good news!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Psalms 1:1-2

I have been memorizing a piece of scripture, Psalms 1:1-2, and I am trying to not only learn it but put it into practice. The scripture reads "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night." that is the ESV translation. Mainly I have been focusing on the last part, I have done devotionals for a while and I read them in the morning; but when I read this it stuck out to me now while I don't think it implies you have to do a devotional morning and at night, I find it certainly helps. After this point got stuck in my head I was flipping through my bible and at the end found a read through the bible in a year plan and began following it for my nightly devotional. While on the topic of devotionals I wanted to mention something that had been made apparent to me, before doing a devotional or reading scripture in general pray; pray that the Lord would speak to you through his words and that you will be listening, It has helped me infinitely since I started!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I have been praying a lot about this lately, and I am asking you to join me. I have never really cared about what kind of job I ended up in or whether or not I went to college. I have always planned on going to college because I have always been told that was the best thing for me to do. The minimum work age in Kentucky is 14 and that's when I started submitting applications at various places. I am now 16 and have never heard back from a single application I submitted, at first this was okay because it gave me more time to spend with my peers. But now even though I have the time and opportunities to spend with them I just can't afford it. One thing my mom and I have discussed was entrepreneurial work, there are many opportunities out there and many people have made extremely successful lives; without going to college or getting a 9-5 career. At first this startled me because it goes against everything I was taught up to this point; but it makes the most since with what I want in life which is to spend as much time as possible with my own family which hopefully God has planned for me, and to be able to spend my time in his word. Working from home in these types of jobs would give me the ability to work my own hours and spend my time where God needs me instead of behind a desk. Nothing is set in stone but I would like for you all to join me in praying about my monetary future.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wisdom from the spirit

I am still in Corinthians for my devotionals and today came to a part speaking of wisdom; it starts off by saying how we don't need worldly wisdom because it is temporary, finite, and subject to change. Then it goes to say that there is a kind of wisdom we impart to the mature, the wisdom of the spirit of God. We must receive the spirit of God and not the spirit of the world; and only by doing this will we come to hear and understand Gods will and thoughts. Now this doesn't say we will become all knowing but that we will be able to hear God speaking to us and follow him. Later it says a "natural person" (referring to how left to our own devices we rebel and accept the spirit of the world.) will not accept the things of the spirit of God; because they will seem folly or foolish to him. Right there it says basically if you listen to God and follow him through the spirit, there are going to be people out there who think you are foolish. Because they use the spirit of the world and worldly wisdom; and Gods calling and plan can only be discerned or understood by those who use the spirit of God and its' wisdom. Don't be discouraged when the people of the world frown on you, or tell you you are crazy; from their stand point you do seem crazy because they operate with a different understanding a flawed view on life. Trust in the Lord to lead you, don't listen to anyone else over him. He is kind, faithful, loving, and just.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

1 Corinthians 1:26-29

During my devotional this morning I read the first chapter of 1 Corinthians, today I wanted to talk about verses 26-29. I am not going to write them here so now is a good time to read them. This set of verses talks about how God rarely chooses the ones who boast in their abilities and accomplishments; but rather the weak, the foolish, the undesirables. It says he does this to shame the boasters, and humble them. Later it explains a little bit in this passage and in many other places why he does this, this text says it is so that no flesh shall glory before God. Honestly I think that in and of itself speaks pages about why he chooses the lowly to be with him. If you brag in yourself and the things you have accomplished, then are you really giving glory to God? Since this ultimately is his goal for us to praise, love, and glorify him! Why would he choose those who are confident in themselves to do it? Those who are already praising themselves, loving themselves, and glorifying themselves. Food for thought... Who do you boast in God or yourself?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Back for more

I have internet access on my computer again, and as a result can bring what life my blog had back. Tonight I watched the movie Courageous it was fantastic, there were many times I held back tears as well as times I had to bust out laughing. This movie spoke about the very heart of my faith, The grace of God, the love he has shown us and told to share for one another, and most of all the responsibilities of manhood. I love the transformation the movie shows a group of men taking from being just men to providing fathers. I hope one day I can put all this stuff I am learning about marriage and parenthood to use, but most of all I hope that God keeps me close to him and that the firm foundation for my faith, Jesus, never wavers.