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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This morning during devotional I read Romans Chapter 2, which basically says don't Judge because you do the same stuff. I really like the book of Romans and I recommend it as a starting point for devotionals as it was recommended to me when I first started. I have been praying throughout the day in the past month or so that God would make me stronger and more able to carry out his will in my life and that I would be prepared for all the tasks he has in store for me. He has been very faithful to me in that area last month January 9th I weighed 385 and had the willpower of a goat... Today I weighed 365 and feel like I can do anything I set my mind to. God is good and I feel great.


  1. Hey! I read the Romans as well awhile ago... as for the judging I'd like to add that as Christians we shouldn't allow our pride to create for us a self-righteous comparison between ourselves (other Christians) and "sinners" (non-believers) because in truth, we are all sinners, desperate for His saving grace. For we were saved by grace alone and by no merit of our own.

    Great blog Tyler!! Love it

  2. yes this is my second time threw Romans, and yes our call is to love every one not judge everyone :)
