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Friday, September 14, 2012


I have always held in my mind that honesty was important, that it was respectable and necessary to be a likable person. Recently while studying honesty I was shown a unique look on it that I had never heard. Honesty rather than being focused on your words and speaking only true things such as expressing thoughts and such as they appear is rather a lifestyle focus centered on God being the truth. One of the I am statements of God includes I am the truth, living in light of that (living honestly) means living your life in the truth of Gods words as he is the only infalible source of truth who's words are law. Speaking truths are only a side effect in the big picture of living in the light of the truth. In fact somethings commonly passed as truths are in reality not i.e. Say you have a negative opinion on someone like you may think they are ugly, expressing this feeling and saying that they are ugly is not truth, sure it may be 'true' that you have that opinion but our opinions are often skewed and twisted by sin. The real truth in this situation is God and his word which says each and every one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made. This was just an amazing opening to my eyes on truth that truth is not merely a tangible rule or objective but that God is truth and being honest is to live in that truth.

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