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Thursday, April 19, 2012


I have been praying a lot about this lately, and I am asking you to join me. I have never really cared about what kind of job I ended up in or whether or not I went to college. I have always planned on going to college because I have always been told that was the best thing for me to do. The minimum work age in Kentucky is 14 and that's when I started submitting applications at various places. I am now 16 and have never heard back from a single application I submitted, at first this was okay because it gave me more time to spend with my peers. But now even though I have the time and opportunities to spend with them I just can't afford it. One thing my mom and I have discussed was entrepreneurial work, there are many opportunities out there and many people have made extremely successful lives; without going to college or getting a 9-5 career. At first this startled me because it goes against everything I was taught up to this point; but it makes the most since with what I want in life which is to spend as much time as possible with my own family which hopefully God has planned for me, and to be able to spend my time in his word. Working from home in these types of jobs would give me the ability to work my own hours and spend my time where God needs me instead of behind a desk. Nothing is set in stone but I would like for you all to join me in praying about my monetary future.


  1. I just want to let you know that my father owns a successful business and does not have a college degree.

  2. Do you exactly know what type of buisness you would like to create? I feel that the idea behind entrepreneurship is what makes any entrepreneur successful.

  3. Well the biggest thing I am looking into right now is something my mom does called Zija, it's a company that you can become a distributor for. my mom started a few months ago and just by talking to people every once in awhile has made about 100 dollars and gets all of her products from them for free. But she is just starting out it usually takes a year of work to start making decent money. The lady who has been helping my mom in her first year started making more money than she did at her teaching job and is now retiring early. They sell all natural vitamin drinks made from the moringa plant, which is the most vitamin dense plant known to man. This plant is on its own life sustaining so a lot of work is being done with it third world countries to help prevent starvation

  4. and I know that isn't mine own business but it is a work at home job that pays out the work you put into it really well
